Visions of a Second Generation Nurserymen
Doug Cockburn moved to Sequim in the mid 70’s. Having grown up in his father Wayne’s Marysville Nursery, Doug was able to establish a business in Clallam County fairly quickly as a landscaper, leaning on his experience as a child growing plants in a similar microclimate. After some success as a “pickup landscaper” in his words, Doug was able to purchase the land where New Dungeness Nursery sits today.
Doug and others opened Peninsula Nursery on the property and operated a retail/landscape nursery for about a decade. As the construction industry in Clallam Country boomed during the 90s, Doug sold the nursery business while keeping the land and facilities to focus on growing large volumes of native and mitigation style plants.
Landscapes by Cockburn installed many of the restorative plantings and wetland mitigations for construction including on projects for the City of Sequim, Port Townsend, Port Angeles, WSDOT Highways and both local Tribal nations. Doug also design-built many of the larger landscaping projects on local commercial buildings from the late 90’s through 2019. One doesn’t have to look very far throughout Clallam County to find one of Doug’s established residential designs either. Keep an eye out for yards that feature; larger Rhodedendrons with synchronized blooms, unique conifers reaching their terminal size, and full-scale water features.
When Doug’s youngest son Stew left for college at WSU in 2014, Doug took advantage of the empty nest and extra spare time like any parent would; he propagated a few hundred rhododendrons. And heather. And Hebe. When Stew arrived back from school that spring break he remarked “Dad what have you done, we’ve got a parking lot full of plants here.”
Stew returned from school that summer along with his girlfriend Alison and helped wherever they could. Due to the family’s financial situation and Doug’s health, managing the two businesses became Stew’s priority. Since 2015, Stew has grown into the role of foreman of Landscapes by Cockburn and New Dungeness Nursery. The Nursery has experienced so much growth over the last several years that we’ve decided to focus all of our efforts and staff on our plants.
Now, we are proud to be a fully staffed, year-round retail nursery in Clallam County. From live holiday and bareroot fruit trees in winter to the fragrant roses and lilacs of spring, New Dungeness Nursery is pleased to serve all types of customers from all over the peninsula. We welcome everyone to come relax in “grandpas garden” and enjoy the comforts of the Cockburn family and our wonderful staff.

